CanAttack Condition

Check if the caster can deal damage to the target


Allows to detect if a player is in a no-pvp zone, for example.

Simple Examples:

no parameters


  • The way it works is by attempting to deal 0 damage to the target, and checking if the damage event goes through. This might trigger and cause issues with Attack Effects and Immunity Tables.... keep that in mind.

Simple Examples:

The following skill will do a ring of ice and apply slowness to entities caught in it:

Skills: # Affect nearby entities - skill{s=MSK_FrostNova_Slow} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=7.5}
# Particles - effect:particlering{particle=end_rod;amount=1;vspread=0;hspread=0;speed=0;yoffset=0;points=30;radius=4} - effect:particlering{particle=item_snowball;amount=1;vspread=0;hspread=0;speed=0;yoffset=1;points=20;radius=6}
MSK_FrostNova_Slow: # Will not inflict slowness to players in no pvp areas!
TargetConditions: - canAttack
Skills: # Inflict slowness - potion{type=SLOW;duration=180;level=2}

Comment from the Dev:

Frost Nova no longer applies slowness to other players in no-pvp zone.

"The biggest nerf to mage class"

- milkedit