Rally All

Rally all targets onto the caster


In comparison, mm skill rally requires you to specify the mythic mob types to rally, which doesnt work if you don't know what mythicmobs will be present when calling the skill.

MythicMechanic: RallyAll


  • This skill changes the aggro of the targets of the skil

    • The caster of the skill will hold the aggro.

    • Specifying rt=true will make the trigger of the skill hold the aggro.

Simple Examples:

This is an aggro-drawing slash from a friendly paladin mythicmob axe:



- rallyall @EntitiesInRadius{r=6;ignore=samefaction,animals}

# Damage

- damage{a=15} @EntitiesInRadius{r=6;ignore=samefaction,animals,players}

# Sound

- sound{s=entity.player.attack.sweep;volume=1;p=2} @SelfLocation

# Particle Effects

- effect:particleslash{particle=flame;amount=5;r=2.2;h=false;arc=220;rot=40;speed=0.001;y=0.75} @Forward{f=0.6;y=0.0}

- effect:particleslash{particle=dripping_lava;amount=2;r=3;h=false;arc=220;rot=40;speed=0.001;y=0.75} @Forward{f=0.6;y=0.0}

The paladin fights alongside you, he might use his special ability that hits all enemies within 6 blocks, as well as call their attention onto himself. This will not affect other friendly troops, players, nor animals.