
MMOItems Required: This feature only works with this external plugin.

Equip extra items by putting them into your Container

For ring/accessory inventories and all things of the sort; And also potions that give temporal MMOItem stat buffs (see tips)!

Container to Equip Insignias

Insignia Slot

Insignia MMOItem with some Bonuses

The basics

For usage of the command, see the Config Equipment page. This is how you turn slot #11 into an equipment slot

/goop containers config equipment <container> 11 true

Once a slot has been deemed an 'Equipment Slot', any MMOItem the player puts in it will grant its stat bonuses to the player. Thats why it is important to use Masks to restrict which items can actually be stored there.


Suppose you want a player to require certain permission, or certain class, or certain level to be able to use an equipment slot, using restrictions you make a slot only be useable after level 35:

/goop containers config restrictions <container> 11 level 35..

Now, the player must first level up before gaining access to this slot.

Advanced Restrictions

What about a restriction that is easy to lose? Suppose you have classes Warrior, Rogue, and Mage:

/goop containers config restrictions <container> 11 class Warrior,Rogue

The player can equip items if they are a melee attacker, but as soon as they swich their class to Mage, they no longer meet the restrictions to use the equipment slot...

What happens to the item the player already had equipped?

There are four restriction behaviours that handle this — DROP, LOCK, TAKE, and DESTROY — which you choose using the /goop containers config restrictions command.

  • LOCK: The item is trapped inside the slot, unable to be taken out or switched.

    • Does not grant equipment bonuses anymore.

  • TAKE: The item can be retrieved, but it remains in the slot until the player manually takes it out.

    • Does not grant equipment bonuses anymore.

  • DROP: The item is forcefully given back to the player (or dropped into the ground if the player has no inventory space).

  • DESTROY: The item is destroyed, the slot becomes empty.

Example: Making a potion that applies MMOItem Stats (MMOItems)

This potion will give you 40% critical strike chance for 10 seconds, wow!

  • It will be a MMOItems consumable (MMOItems)

  • It will equip another MMOItem to grant stats inside an Equipment Container for 10 seconds (GooP)

plugins/MMOItems/item/consumable.ymlENCHANTED_APPLE_SMOOTHIE: base: material: PLAYER_HEAD name: <#fac946>◠<#dc73ff>◯<#bd9937>◡ <gradient:#eea3ff:#ffe3a3:#ffe08f>Enchanted Apple Concoction <#fac946>◠<#dc73ff>◯<#bd9937>◡ disable-repairing: true disable-enchanting: true disable-smithing: true disable-smelting: true disable-crafting: true disable-interaction: true skull-texture: value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWNiZjE4MmRhMjE3NjcxNTg4YjVkM2U2ZDE0NDMxMTMzNzNhNmMxYmE5OWJiNDQzYWE3MWJkNDE2MTQ1MWZjMyJ9fX0= uuid: 0758beff-aea9-476f-90e4-819885ff54f4 restore-stamina: 15.0 restore-health: 15.0 restore-saturation: 15.0 item-cooldown: 2.0 effects: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE: duration: 30.0 amplifier: 2.0 REGENERATION: duration: 30.0 amplifier: 2.0 HEALTH_BOOST: duration: 30.0 amplifier: 2.0 commands: cmd0: format: 'goop unlockables unlock %player% SMOOTHIE_GAPPLE true true 10s oS: goop nbt setItem @s |Equipment|11 m CONBUFF GAPPLESMOOTHIE 1 oS= goop delay 205 goop mmoitems equipmentUpdate @s' delay: 0.0 console: true lore: - <#E3E3E3>§oIt has a squeeze of orange - <#E3E3E3>§ojuice and some sparkling water. - §7 §3 - §e§l҉ §f+40%§7 Crit Chance for §f10s

The magic is in the command

goop unlockables unlock %player% SMOOTHIE_GAPPLE true true 10s oS= goop nbt setItem @s |Equipment|11 m CONBUFF GAPPLESMOOTHIE 1 oS= goop delay 205 goop mmoitems equipmentUpdate @s

#1 Unlock SMOOTHIE_GAPPLE Unlockable for player, stays unlocked for 10 seconds:

goop unlockables unlock %player% SMOOTHIE_GAPPLE true true 10s

#2 Set the item m CONBUFF GAPPLESMOOTHIE in slot #11 of player's container Equipment

goop nbt setItem @s |Equipment|11 m CONBUFF GAPPLESMOOTHIE 1

#3 Wait 10.25 seconds

goop delay 205

#4 Force equipment update of MMOItems (makes sure the player stops having 40% more crit chance)

goop mmoitems equipmentUpdate @s

Important prior setup

So, step #1 that unlocks a GooP Unlockable requires you to setup the container slot this way:


Set for equipment (requires a slot of type STORAGE)/goop containers config equipment Equipment 11 true
Destroys the item when it becomes locked/goop containers config restrictions Equipment 11 behaviour DESTROY
To be 'unlocked,' the GooP Unlockable SMOOTHIE_GAPPLE must be unlocked/goop containers config restrictions Equipment 11 unlockable SMOOTHIE_GAPPLE

Important prior setup

And step #2 requires you to create a mmoitem m CONBUFF GAPPLESMOOTHIE:

plugins/MMOitems/item-types.ymlCONBUFF: display: ENDER_PEARL name: 'Consumable Buff' parent: 'CATALYST' unident-item: name: 'Unidentified Item' material: CLAY_BALL model: 1 lore: - 'This item is unidentified.'

It is this MMOItem where you put the stats the potion will grant, this example uses critical strike chance but you can use ANY MMOItem stats, including abilities if you want to get creative...

plugins/MMOItems/item/conbuff.ymlGAPPLESMOOTHIE: base: material: ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE name: §eEnchanted Golden Apple Smoothie critical-strike-chance: 40.0