Maximum Generations

Limit the amount of fruit a shrub gan generate over its entire lifespan.

Infinite resources may not be for everybody, this option forces Shrubs to self-destruct once they've generated enough fruit.

YML Format:

Maximum_Cummulative_Generation: [Integer Number]

Maximum Cummulative Generations (infinity)

This is the maximum amount of fruit a shrub can generate. When this has been reached, it will dissapear next time it is harvested.


A shrub with max generatons 5, storage capacity 3, and simultaneous generations 2.

  1. When it generates, it will generate two at a time, reaching its capacity in two generations.

  2. A player harvests it for three fruits.

  3. The shrub generates two more, reaching its max generations (5) but still having one empty capacity slot.

  4. The shrub wont generate anything more, and will be destroyed next time it is harvested.


Players may remove a shrub and place it down again, which will reset the maximum cummulative generations.

There is no easy way of preventing this with normal shrubs, but if they are seeds, this would not be an option.

Idea: Setting the cummulative generations equal to the simultaneous generations mimics minecraft crops.