
Forces the target to run the specified command

/goop sudo <player / entity uuid / console> <command...>

One may use sudop instead, to force to run the command with op perms.

Args Breakdown (What everything does)

<Player / UUID / Console>

  • Player or entity UUID whose permission will be checked.

  • Supports console keyword to run as the console.

  • Non-player entities are treated as having OP.

  • Supports a few vanilla selectors.


  • The command that will be run


  • This command does not quite succeed, so the vanilla selector @s does not work.

  • Instead of using /goop sudo, you can use /goop sudop to force op perms on players.

    • Be aware that this is a hacky method, makes players OP for the sync duration of the command.

    • If the command is run async, the player may not have OP for the entirety of it.

    • If the command crashes the server in sync, the player may retain OP perms after reboot.

Simple Examples:

/goop sudo cocopad tell atuosto got your nose

Makes player cocopad tell atuosto that they got his nose.

/goop sudo console say Hey everyone! I now have access to the console yeahhh!

Runs a command from the console

/goop sudop atuosto gamemode creative

Forces non-op player atuosto to run this OP command