Consume Items

Removes a specific amount of items from the player's inventory.

/goop consumeitem <player> {filter} <amount> [Inventories] [Shulker box name filter]

If the player doesnt have enough items that match the filter, nothing happens.

Args Breakdown (What everything does)



  • Specify what NBT the item must have by the use of a GooP Item Filter.

  • Always three words long.


  • The amount of items that will be removed from the player's inventory. Must be an integer number.

    • Using the all keyword instead of an integer number will remove all the items that match the filter in the player's inventory.


  • By default, the player's inventory. Here are the letters for each location:

  • You may specify multiple locations by writing them out: ISEZ will search enderchest and inventory, and shulker boxes with.

[Shulker box name filter]

  • Will only look into shulker boxes named this, color-code and case sensitive.

    • Will only affect Shulker Box locations, by ignoring shulker boxes not named like this


  • You can use the all keyword in place for an actuall amount. This will remove all the items the player has that match the filter.

  • I try to make things case insensitive when possible, such as vanilla names, but when in doubt, stick to what the Tab Completion suggests.

  • Also, the first items consumed are those held in the mainhand, then the offhand, and then in order through inventory slots.

Simple Examples:

/goop consumeitem gunging v CLAY_BALL 0 5

Will remove 5 clay balls from gunging's inventory. If they have less than 5 clay balls, this command will fail and nothing will happen. Note that MMOItems that are clay balls wont match anymore as of GooP 1.6.

/goop consumeitem gunging m CONSUMABLE MANGO all IEZ

Will remove all mangos from gunging's inventory and enderchest, including shulker boxes within their enderchest, but not shulker boxes in their inventory.

/goop consumeitem gunging e INFINITY 7 1 S &2Ammunition Box

Will remove one item enchanted with Infinity VII from any shulker box named 'Ammunition Box' (Green name) within gunging's inventory.

/goop consumeitem gunging v STONE 0 1000 ISEZCHPL

Will remove 1000 stone blocks from gunging's inventory, whether it is in their inventory, enderchest, any GooP personal container, or a shulker box in all of these locations. However, if they have less than 1000 stone blocks, this command will fail and nothing will happen.

Comment from the Dev:

Surely enough, supporting shulker boxes because such a thing is 'decent'.