G Remove

Remove your protection from a storage you own.


Anyone will be able to break it, claim it, and take the items out of it (and also put items inside).

Removing the protection from your containers

Just look at a physical container storage and call the command


If that storage currently Public:

  • It now becomes Unregistered.

  • You are no longer its owner.

  • Anyone can now break it or claim it with /gprivate or /gpublic.

  • Anyone can still access it (take items out and put items in).

If that storage currently Private:

  • It now becomes Unregistered.

  • You are no longer its owner.

  • Anyone can now break it or claim it with /gprivate or /gpublic.

  • Anyone can now access it (take items out and put items in).

Unregistered Containers

Anyone can put items into this storage, and take them out.

Anyone can break them.

Anyone can claim them as theirs with /gprivate or /gpublic.