Vanilla Selectors

A few vanilla selectors and tags supported in GooP to target players.

I had to re-code them so they may not work exactly like vanilla selectors. They work when using Command Blocks too!

You may actually specify any number of player names and selectors as a colon-separated list.

Basic Sintax

There are four basic selectors:

  1. @p - Targets the nearest players to the sender of the command. Does not work from the console. Must be in same world.

  2. @a - Targets every player in the server.

  3. @r - Targets a random player in the server.

  4. @s - Targets the players who had a 'success' in the previous chained GooP command.

Selector Parameters

Allow for filtering of who gets selected. They are specified as a comma-separated list inside square brackets after the selector:

  • @a[distance=..10] will select every player in the server within 10 blocks of you.

  • None of these work with @s


Written in the format distance=[min]..[max], will exclude from the equation all players not within this range.

  • Both minimum and maximum are optional, the default minimum distance is 0, and the default maximum is infinity.

  • Supports decimal point values

  • Ignored if called from the console

  • Negative values are theoretically allowed but they just dont make sense.

  • Range limits are inclusive.

  • Players must be in the same world as you

Game Mode

Writen in the format gamemode=[Gamemode], will exclude from the equation those players not in this gamemode.


Scoreboard Tag

Written in the format tag={[TAG1],[TAG2],[...]}, will exclude those players who dont have every single one of these tags.

  • If you are only specifying one tag, you may omit the curly brackets. But if you are specifying more than one, they are required.

  • You may specify any number of comma-separated tags.


Surely enough GooP had to support scoreboards, since its what it communicates with.

Written in the format scores={[objective]=[MIN]..[MAX],[objective2]=[MIN]..[MAX],[...]}, will exclude every player outside these score ranges. Basically, a player must be within the specified range in every score to qualify.

  • You must always use the curly brackets, even when specifying only one score.

  • Negative values are allowed, but scores can never have a decimal points, they are always integer.

    • You may still use decimal values in this operation though.

  • Range limits are inclusive.


Specify the maximum number of players found by each selector using the sintax limit=[X]. Changes the behaviour of @p drastically, and is completely ignored by @a (doesnt make sense, use @r instead).

It runs after the other selectors have filtered out the players that do not match them.

  1. Behaviour with @p:

    • If the value is positive, it selects this many in the order they are closest to you.

    • If the value is negative, it selects this many in the order they are furthest from you.

    • Actually, this selector works by default with limit=1

  2. Behaviour with @a:

    • It is ignored

  3. Behaviour with @r:

    • Selects up to this many players randomly from those online (that qualify all the other selector parameters listed above).

    • Actually, this selector works by default with limit=1

Simple Examples:


Will target those online players with a score 'BurgersEaten' from three to five, inclusive.


Will target the three furthest players from you in the same world you are on.


From all those players five to a hundred blocks away from you, that have both tags sugra and something, it will pick out two at random.


Targets everyone in creative mode.

Pro Tip

Because of CustomStructures supporting location-dependent selectors like @p, you may also use them through the console via an obscure way:

Instead of calling a goop command as /goop [subcommand], use /goop <w,x,y,z>[subcommand], where:

  • w is the name of the world where the selectors will work

  • x is the x position relative to which the selectors will work

  • y is the y position relative to which the selectors will work

  • z is the z position relative to which the selectors will work

Ex /goop <world_the_end,0,64,0>grief @p bl 10

This doesnt work if you use spaces in your world names. If you do, let me tell you that that practice is disgusting.