Command Triggers

Stats that run commands on certain situations.

Honestly this stuff is basically Item Abilities, specially if you call mythicmobs runSkillAs.

On Hit

When a player has an item with this equipped, every time they deal damage (through ANY means) to any entity.

This one is very sensitive, will activate from firework rockets fired from crossbows, damage dealt through mythic skills, MMOItem abilities, and literally any form of damage.

Because it can activate itself (if you run a mythic skill that deals damage as the command), this cant be activated again until the resolution of the command. However, if you add a delay of 1 tick (/goop delay 1) you can still cause near-infinite loops lmao.

This wont activate the very hit that kills an enemy.


%damage_dealt%: Damage dealt by this hit

%distance%: Distance from the attacker to the victim

Victim (Entity being hit), and Projectile (Entity dealing direct damage) placeholders.

On Kill

Command to run when a player deals the killing blow to any entity.


%damage_dealt%: Damage dealt by this hit

%distance%: Distance from the attacker to the victim

Victim (Entity being killed) and Projectile (Entity dealing direct damage) placeholders.

Extra placeholders you can use


When there is an entity target, easily get information from it with these:

%victim_uuid%: UUID of the victim

%victim%: UUID of the victim

%victim_name%: Name of the victim

%victim_world%: World the victim is in

%victim_x%: X Coordinate of the victim

%victim_y%: X Coordinate of the victim

%victim_z%: X Coordinate of the victim


Sometimes (specially in damage triggers), the player fires a projectile. When an arrow hits something, in minecraft's code, the arrow is dealing the damage, and GooP just fetches the player who fired the arrow to trigger these commands. Use these placeholders to get the information from the arrow (or trident, snowball, firework, fishing hook...) itself; You now can run commands at them if they are not destroyed in the impact!

If the player uses a sword, these will just target the player, who is the one dealing the direct damage.

%projectile_uuid%: UUID of the Projectile

%projectile%: UUID of the Projectile

%projectile_name%: Name of the Projectile