Vault Support

Charge players for harvesting shrubs, and collect that income.

Sometimes you want to make currency sinks so that picking up grapes costs money, all right. But wouldnt it be cool that if you placed down the grape vine, you get revenue from other people harvesting it?

YML Format:

VaultCost: [Numeric Value]

VaultRevenue: [Decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0]

Vault Cost (0)

The cost players are charged when they harvest the shrub

Vault Revenue (0.0)

The percent of the vault cost that the owner of the shrub gets whenever someone pays that cost. The owner is the one who places a shrub on the world.


A shrub has a cost of 100$ and a vault revenue of 0.2 (20%):

  1. A player harvests it, spending 100$

  2. The owner gets 20$

More Technical

You may want to use this feature in conjunction with Command On Shake in a setup similar to the following:

CommandOnShake: - 'goop tell %player% &7&oYou have been charged &x&4&4&f&f&4&4&o$%shrub_vault_cost%&7&o.' - 'goop tell %shrub_owner% &6&o*You collect &x&4&4&f&f&4&4&o$%shrub_vault_revenue%&6&o from &e%player%&6&o''s vending machine purchase.'

This will tell the player they were charged money, and the owner that that they have received money.