Release Minion

Releases an entity from being a minion of a summoner.


This mechanic has no options.


  • The minion will run their death skill, as if they had died through GooP, when targetted by this.

    • If they survive (usually that skill kill them) they will no longer count towards minion capacities, and wont be affected by leash ranges.

  • Though they are no longer a minion, they kind of have a memmory of their once-owner so that GooPSudoOwner still works the same after calling this.

    • This allows for complicated polymorph minions, that release themselves and immediately after summon another mythicmob as their owner's minion to replace them (It must be done in this order to avoid running into max minion capacity issues).

Simple Examples:



- GooPReleaseMinion @Self

- GooPSudoOwner{s=FP_ProtectorEngage;tom=true} @Self

- delay 2

- remove @Self



- GooPSummonMinion{type=FP_Aggressive;s=ProtectorDissapear;amount=1;w=2.8;lr=50}

This minion releases themselves and immediately sudos their owner to summon another version of themselves. I use this as a very advanced minion that has different AI, disguise, and equipment in battle mode than in passive mode (Vex vs Parrot AI).