Container Templates

The layout, the visuals of the GUI.

Templates is the thing you as a server admin will create and style. When your players open a container here and there, they will see copies, derived from the template, that are always up-to-date.

Building this Layout

This will walk you through the Config Contents command usage, but don't forget to check out the other Edition Commands to fully customize your container.

When editing container templates, prepare all this:

  • [▣] Container Edge* block

  • [▣] Decoration stuff you want

  • [▣] One any other item

*Get the container edge block with /goop containers config edgeMaterial

/goop containers config contents <container>

Calling this command begins the in-game template editor, the first step is the display. Make it look neat! You will later get to decide which slots can store items, for now, this is how it will appear to players when empty.

Remember that the gray glass blocks are Container Edge blocks.

Close your inventory with [E] or [Esc] keys

Closing your inventory advances to the storage step. Now that you've setup the visuals (and now that the edges have been built, you can see how the container truly looks), select the slots that will allow items to be stored within. This is what you're seeing now:

Remember the Edge Blocks? They have transformed into their final form. Note that the textures to make it match the inventory edges are here, you might want to get them.

* But how to actually select storage slots? The rule is the following:

Any slot you make changes to will become a storage slot

This means, grab that any one other item and put it everywhere you want to allow players to put items:

Note that GooP Containers allows you to store items on top of other items; You are not restricted to only empty spaces! In here, I've put watermelons on top of glass panes.

Close your inventory with [E] or [Esc] keys

Once you do this, the changes will be set live instantly, and the container template has been edited!

If you open your new custom chest (or enderchest), you can now put items in any storage slot. Even if it has a glass pane by default (which is just for the visuals).

/goop containers config view <container>

With this, you can verify that the glass pane allows items to be stored on top of it, but the iron bars don't. The iron bars are completely locked from any player interaction --- they are there just to look cool.