Minions System

Summon loyal MythicMobs ready to fight evil by your side

Based on the exquisite Terraria summon system, here is a utility to automatically handle:

  • Minion Capacity: Automatically destroy old minions if a new one is summoned, and the player's minion capacity is exceeded.

  • Summoner Lifelink: Minions are destroyed if their owner dies.

  • Logout Cleanup: Minions are destroyed if their owner logs out of the server.

  • Leash: Minions that wander too far from their summoner are teleported back, like wolves.

#1 Summon the Monster

Summon the monster directly as a minon with the GooPSummonMinion mechanic, or just summon it though any means (random spawns, spawners, etc...)

#2 Claim the monster as a minion

A player (or other monster) may use the GooPMinion mechanic, or the Minion Command, to claim a monster as a minion.

You would normally just summon already as a minion using the GooPSummonMinion mechanic, and skip this step.

#3 Deploy the minion system mechanics and targeters

Now you can profit from the handy targeters and mechanics that allow you to make the most out of this minion system.

GooP Minions System only takes you a step of the way

You must make your monster through MythicMobs, all its attacks and abilities, and even its AI.

GooP will only make sure that the mob is destroyed when its summoner

  • Dies

  • Leaves the server

  • Exceeds their minion capacity

To increase a player's Minion Capacity, you can find this stat in the external plugin MMOItems.

Video tutorial on how I make the minions of my server.

  1. Make the summon skill for use with MMOItems

  2. Start off with the most basic minion setup (melee minion)

  3. Add abilities, particles, ranged attacks... to make the minion special.

Some notes on the Leash Range

Leash range teleports a minion to their owner, if they are too far. This check happens every 10 seconds.

For some reason, LibsDisguises disguises keep getting lost when the minion teleports across worlds due to leash range. To prevent this, give SummonLeashKillDistance a numeric value in your config. If leash range would teleport a minion more than this distance, the minion will be destroyed instead, and if greater than zero, always kills minions that try to teleport across worlds.

SummonLeashKillDistance: 65

Comment from the Dev:

These minions system is nothing you can't achieve through MythicMobs alone. The purpose of this is just to greatly simplify the operations.