Fail Messages

A command failed? Send a message to that player explaining why.

/goop [MESSAGE]something ...

If you are familiar with oS: on success keyword, you'll notice that there is no oF: on fail, preventing you from telling players that they dont have the correct item or something. This fixes that.

Basic Sintax

To use this feature, one must take a look at the file plugins/Gunging_Ootilities_Plugin/fail-messages.yml

In there, you can write the name of a message, 'MESSAGE', and use it anytime you are calling a GooP command, any command. For example, lets use GooP Testinventory ~ goop testinventory <player> <slot> {item}

NotEnoughMangoes: "&8&l[&2&l!&8&l] &aThe jungle totem is unsatisfied. It whispers you to get more &6Mangoes&a."
NoIngredients: "&cYou dont have the items required to do this."
Denied: "&cNo, &6%player%&c, you cant do this here."

Basically, having your message names in place, you may choose which is told to the player when the testinventory command fails. From there, you just specify which to send with square brackets before the subcommand:

/goop [NotEnoughMangoes]testinventory cocopad m CONSUMABLE MANGO

Notice that it parses PAPI placeholders.

Special Names

Naming a fail message exactly like the command, in lowercase (for example "testinventory" or "consumeitem"), will make it default and you wont need to include it with brackets ~ it will display automatically.

To maintain legacy compatibility,"VaultLowBalance" keyword is automatically linked to Goop Vault Charge. This is also displayed when a CustomStructure has a vault cost and the player cant afford to use it.