Huntridge Teen Clinc

Post date: Apr 23, 2014 6:31:50 AM


Since 1994, The Huntridge Teen Clinic has provided free or nominal-cost medical and dental care to uninsured and at risk adolescents aged 12-18.

Find out how you can contribute to the future of someone in need through donations of money and time.

Call Steve Williams at 702-575-0640.

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Reach Out

Work with others in your community to make a difference

Our program is in need of financial support to continue providing medical and dental care to underserved and at-risk teens.

The mission of The Huntridge Teen Clinic is to provide medical and dental care and counseling to uninsured, underserved and at-risk teenagers age 12-18 who are ineligible or unable to obtain care otherwise.

Medical and dental care is not seasonal, which is why we need medical and dental volunteer providers year-round. If you are a physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, dentist, dental assistant or dental hygienist, please consider working an afternoon in one of our clinics. You'll see first-hand the good work we do for the youth of our community and we promise: You'll feel really good about yourself!

Huntridge Teen Clinic


Notice of Privacy Practices-Teen Clinic 2013

The teenage years are the most memorable years of our lives but they can also be the most stressful. For teens from families in medically underserved areas with meager financial resources and no insurance, the stress is often compounded by untreated medical and dental needs, and a lack of credible information. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has consistently reported that medical issues are among the leading reasons why kids fall behind in school, and ultimately

drop out. Specifically mentioned are untreated medical needs, chronic dental pain and unwanted teen pregnancy.The staff and Board of Trustees of The Huntridge Teen Clinic are determined to help the underprivileged youth of our community as they grapple with these adult issues. Our goal is to remove medical impediments and help ensure these kids get an equal shot at academic and career success.


The Huntridge Teen Clinic is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation established in 1994 initially as a medical clinic. The dental clinic was added in 1998. Since our founding twenty years ago, we have provided medical and dental care and counseling to thousands of underprivileged and at-risk teens. These are kids from families with meager financial resources, no insurance and few options. Some are homeless. The Huntridge Teen Clinic represents, in most cases, their only hope for the basic medical and dental care and counseling that most people take for granted