Art & Tech

Inspiration from the Intersection Between Art and Technology

OUR community NEEDS to SUPPORT the Art District by not only coming out to THE MOST AMAZING FEATURE OF LAS VEGAS, First Friday, but also supporting our heart and soul of the community by connecting the techs with artists. Let's make EVERYDAY FIRST FRIDAY.

Our plan is to create a community focused group for ANYONE and EVERYONE in the DTLV working, living or playing or TRYING to or SUPPORTING our mission in supporting PASSIONATE people in our community AND GETTING THEM PAID!!! With a collection of print marketing material and list of Artists online and all Emergency of the Arts people of course and connect them with our DTLV VegasTechs and co market the latest app with our people as betas.

#FFLV & #VEGASTECH — Mar 25, 2015 7:21:44 PM