World AIDS Day 2013

To fulfill this vision, the blueprint is based on the following principles:

› Make strategic, scientifically sound investments to rapidly scale-up core HIV prevention, treatment and care interventions and maximize impact.

› Work with partner countries, donor nations, civil society, people living with HIV, faith-based organizations, the private sector, foundations and multilateral institutions to effectively mobilize, coordinate and efficiently utilize resources to expand high-impact strategies, saving more lives sooner.

› Focus on women and girls to increase gender equality in HIV services. (we include gay men and transgender)

› End stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and key populations, improving their access to, and uptake of, comprehensive HIV services.

› Set benchmarks for outcomes and programmatic efficiencies through regularly assessed planning and reporting processes to ensure goals are being met.

These principles drive PEPFAR’s work and are the foundation for the road maps that comprise this blueprint. Each road map—

the Road Map for Saving Lives; Success in saving lives also depends on promoting and supporting institutional and social changes, such as ending

stigma and discrimination against key populations (e.g., men who have sex with men (MSM), sex workers (SW), and people who inject drugs (PWID)), as well as people living

Road Map for Smart Investments

To achieve an AIDS-free generation, countries must target efforts where the virus is—reaching and supporting those

populations at greatest risk and urgently needing services.

First, it means prioritizing interventions that science indicates will save the most lives as outlined in the previous

chapter: Road Map to Saving Lives. Second, it means going where the virus is—targeting those key populations

at most risk and in most need of HIV services. Third, it means maximizing the impact of each dollar invested

Rapid Scale up of Combination Prevention Can Reduce Resource Needs and Support Sustainability

The challenge ahead is to scale up effective combination prevention quickly enough to have a transformative impact on the epidemic and make national AIDS responses sustainable over time. This requires strategic reallocation of existing resources toward high-impact interventions, and increased and sustained investments through shared responsibility, led by countries, states, cities and communities, with support from donors and other partners.

While the upfront costs associated with scaling up combination prevention toward realizing the potential adult HIV incidence rate declines depicted in the country scenarios above are substantial, these investments do not result in ever-increasing costs.

In fact, as is illustrated by the Uganda estimates in Graph 5, the impact of these upfront investments lead to a decline and then flattening of out-year costs, as fewer new services are required and the number of newly infected individuals falls substantially.

Strong country ownership and optimized investments can put countries on the path toward an AIDS-free generation, and support efforts to make AIDS responses more economically-sustainable over time.

the Road Map for Smart Investments; the Road Map for Shared Responsibility; and the Road Map for Driving Results with Science—contains specific goals and comprehensive action and implementation steps on how PEPFAR will support partner countries’ efforts to meet these goals.

Along the way we used this site to collect our research, set goals and figure out ways we could save the world with an all terrain safe sex vehicle to empower people to use condom sense in the moment of passion, anytime, anyplace and in any element.

1. Partner with countries in a joint move toward country-led, managed, and implemented responses.2. Increase support for civil society as a partner in the global AIDS response.3. Expand collaboration with multilateral and bilateral partners. 4. Increase private sector mobilization toward an AIDS-free generation.These results are not just numbers, they represent lives saved and infections averted—and that is the true test of success. For PEPFAR, it is all about results. By adopting a targeted approach to address one of the most complex global health issues in modern history, and by then taking it to scale with urgency and commitment, the U.S. has

helped demonstrate what is possible with focus, resources

and science.

It requires adapting to and

adopting new science and evidence, both to reach more

people and to capture cost-saving efficiencies.

Expand the evidence-base for effective

interventions for key populations through

implementation science awards linked to

country programs to facilitate rapid scale-up of

high-impact innovation