Let's Talk About Sex

Condom distribution programs can be cost-effective structural interventions that provide communities with the resources they need to prevent the spread of HIV.

Three "A's" for Condom Distribution Program Success

Making condoms widely available is integral to successful HIV prevention. Condom distribution programs have been shown to increase condom availability and use among a wide range of populations, including youth and adult males, commercial sex workers, and those who engage in risky sexual activities.An effective condom distribution program can change the way a community thinks about and engages in safe sex behavior. To achieve that goal, condom distribution programs should strive to make condoms available, accessible, and acceptable. This section of effectiveinterventions.org offers tools to help with the design, management, and monitoring of a successful condom distribution program in your community.

Click the links under "More Info…" on the right to access program development information, links to existing condom distribution programs, educational resources, and sources of technical assistance.


Ensure that condoms are available in the environment where members of the target population are found, such as pharmacies, condom dispensing machines, and outreach workers.


Ensure unrestricted access to condoms that are available in the environment by providing free condoms that are conveniently located in multiple locations.


Ensure that the norms within a community support the use of condoms and that the types are acceptable to community members by producing products that are popular and supported by opinion leaders and public figures.

CDC Policy on Youth Peer Outreach Workers

CDC funded (directly or indirectly) agencies using youth (either paid or volunteer) in program outreach activities need to use caution and judgment in the venues/situations where youth workers are placed. Agencies should give careful consideration to the "age appropriateness" of the activity or venue. Additionally, agencies should comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding entrance into adult establishments/environments. Laws and curfews should be clearly outlined in required safety protocols developed and implemented by agencies directly and indirectly funded by CDC.