PEPFAR United States Presidents Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief

  1. Road Map for Saving Lives
  2. Road Map for Smart Investments
  3. Road Map for Driving Results with Science
  4. Road Map for Shared Responsibility

Scientific advances and their successful implementation have brought the world to a tipping point in the fight against AIDS. the United States believes that by making smart investments based on sound science, and a shared global responsibility, we can save millions of lives and achieve an AIDS-free generation

HIV status, practice safer sex and reduce their Encourage sexually-active youth to learn their number of sexual partners. Provide sexually active young people with risk reduction information and skills building, including access to male and female condoms and information on correct and consistent condom use.

President Obama on World AIDS Day December 01, 2011

Moving Forward


Fact Sheet: Shared Responsibility to Strengthen Results for an AIDS-Free Generation

That’s a future worth fighting for, together.

As a nation, we are firmly committed to turning the tide on the 30-year-old fight against AIDS. That’s why I proudly announced last year that creating an AIDS-free generation is a new policy imperative for the United States.

To be clear, we still face enormous challenges. Far too many people are dying from this disease. We need to reach more people with both prevention and treatment services. But today, thanks to remarkable scientific discoveries and the work of countless individuals, organizations and governments, an AIDS-free generation is not just a rallying cry—it is a goal that is within our reach.

At the International AIDS Conference this past July, I asked our Global AIDS Coordinator, Ambassador Eric Goosby, to prepare this blueprint outlining our path to helping create an AIDS-free generation. I want the next Congress, the next Secretary of State, and all of our partners here at home and around the world to understand everything we’ve learned and to have a road map for how the United States will contribute to an AIDS-free generation.

This blueprint should make one thing clear: the United States is and will continue doing our part. But creating an AIDS-free generation is too big a task for one government or one country. It requires the world to share in the responsibility.

We call on partner countries, other donor nations, civil society, faithbased organizations, the private sector, foundations, multilateral institutions and people living with HIV to join us as we each do our part.

Together, we can deliver a better future to millions across the globe. A future where children are not born with HIV… where teenagers and adults are at far lower risk of contracting the virus… where those who do have the virus get lifesaving treatment. A future where every child has the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.

That’s a future worth fighting for, together.

November 29, 2012


Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary of State

