Economic Livelihood Project

Post date: Apr 10, 2014 3:20:33 AM

Economic Livelihood Project

Economic Livelihood Project encourages economic stability for gender non-conforming trans* persons by assisting them with changing legal documents, identifying employment opportunities, and finding safe stable housing.

Document Changes.

Need help to change your name or gender marker? ELP provides knowledgeable assistance and financial support to qualifying persons to change legal documents such as social security cards, birth certificates, driver’s licenses, state identification cards, and passports. For more information on this process, please call us at 702.425.7288 or email at to contact the program.

Opportunities for Inclusive and Rewarding Employment.

ELP refers persons to queer-inclusive employment agencies, including Goodwill, Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow, and other organizations. In the future, ELP will provide workshops to increase professional economic opportunities through resume building, mock interviews, and self-motivation seminars, among others.

Achieving Safe, Stable Housing.

ELP continues to build relationships with a growing web of persons and institutions to develop increased access to queer-inclusive housing. On a case-by-case basis, we engage with persons to clarify their needs and make meaningful referrals. Our community connections and ability to advocate with institutions such as shelters and housing complexes allow flexibility and power to support housing needs.