Condom use declining

23 NOVEMBER 2020

The defunding of condom social marketing programmes and decline in sales of socially marketed condoms in sub-Saharan Africa is emblematic of a decreased focus on condom demand generation, reduced emphasis on condoms in family planning services and weak stewardship of condom programmes since 2010, leaving the world far off the 90% target for condom use.

A new generation of sexually active young people has not been exposed to the intense condom promotion that was in place a decade ago. Condom use at last higher risk sex reported by young women (aged 15 to 24 years) declined in five countries in western and central Africa and three countries in eastern and southern Africa. Condom use at higher risk sex among men (aged 15 to 49 years) also declined in five out of nine countries (compared to the previous survey). The use of condoms across all of western and central Africa and eastern and southern Africa remains far too low.

UNAIDS P.osition Statement on Condoms

Highlights from the UNAIDS P.osition Statement on Condoms and HIV Prevention

· Condom use is a critical element in a comprehensive, effective and sustainable approach to HIV prevention and treatment.

· The male latex condom is the single, most efficient, available technology to reduce the sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

· Condoms must be readily available universally, either free or at low cost, and promoted in ways that help overcome social and personal obstacles to their use.

· HIV prevention education and condom promotion must overcome the challenges of complex gender and cultural factors.

· Condoms have played a decisive role in HIV prevention efforts in many countries.

· Increased access to antiretroviral treatment creates the need and the opportunity for accelerated condom promotion


MOJO Bag is pleased to present YOU with THE VEHICLE NEEDED TO increase condom use and prevent and reduce the increasing number of STD/HIV/AIDS and Unwanted Pregnancy. We understand the great challenge in readiness and achievement in condom use.

The LifeSaver is an airtight waterproof sealed and concealed container used to discreetly store, conveniently carry, and easily access condoms for sexually active people.

· We provide a unique and practical means to increase condom use and stop AIDS through convenience and easy accessibility ready anytime, anywhere, in any element.

· Prevent and reduce the number of new STD/HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy cases.

· Support, Encourage and Expect Safe Sexual Responsibility at ALL TIMES, in ALL PLACES, in ALL ELEMENTS

· A tangible solution to promote prevention, provide a vehicle for everyday condom use and break and change unsafe sex behaviors.