Actions Against AIDS Leadership Initiative

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Education Aim: Year 1 Objectives

    • 100% of organization’s receive HIV/AIDS training
    • 100% of organization’s receive HIV/AIDS messages
    • HIV/AIDS story included in at least one annual publication
    • HIV/AIDS story included in organization’s newsletters
    • HIV/AIDS campaign and educational materials distributed during conferences via exhibit hall and other channels (e.g., registration packages)

Commitment Aim: Year 2 Objectives

    • Training to implement community-based HIV awareness campaigns.
    • Email blast sent to remind team members that HIV/AIDS is one of the organization’s priorities.
    • 75% of chapters/affiliates involved in HIV/AIDS activities (e.g. community events)
    • AAALI organizations continue to identify and start to leverage other external community and professional networks that can be tapped and enlisted in HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.
    • Extending Act Against AIDS campaign messages through organization publications, web sites and public appearances

Sustainability Aim: Year 2 Objectives

Health is Fun

    • Positive Opinion Leadership training-Ethnographic techniques are systematically used to identify segments of the target population and to identify those persons who are most popular, well-liked, and trusted by others in each population segment. It is designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher observes society from the point of view of the subject of the study. An ethnography is a means to represent graphically and in writing the culture of a group. The word can thus be said to have a "double meaning," which partly depends on whether it is used as a count noun or uncountably. The resulting field study or a case report reflects the knowledge and the system of meanings in the lives of a cultural group.
    • The POL training includes walk n talk where we take a 90 minute tour of downtown las vegas to do street of love and includes an community activities and condom distribution
    • A.I.D.S-Art is DOING Something-
      • Working with celebrities to produce PSAs about HIV prevention plays key role of our future vision.

Education Training About HIV/AIDS-Corporate and Small Business — Apr 13, 2015 9:46:23 PM

AAALI-CDC Guide — Apr 13, 2015 9:39:10 PM