I began this mission by applying the Blueprint to a global strategy PEPFAR United States President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief.

Ending the AIDS epidemic.

Ending the AIDS epidemic—four words that hold such hope and promise.

Four words that represent more than 30 years of devastation, struggle and loss. The AIDS epidemic brought the world to its knees before bringing people to their feet.

“The goal of an AIDS-free generation may be ambitious, but it is possible with the knowledge and interventions we have right now. And that is something we’ve never been able to say without qualification before. Imagine what the world will look like when we succeed.”

- U.S. Secretary of State

Hillary Rodham Clinton,

November 8, 2011

Obama asked all leaders to join the fight for #AIDSFREEGEN with a focus on the hardest hit demographics most grossly affected. We are social scientists and social entrepreneurs that have been on the ground bulldozing the path on PEPFARs roadmaps

  1. Road Map for Saving Lives
  2. Road Map for Smart Investments
  3. Road Map for Driving Results with Science
  4. Road Map for Shared Responsibility

PEPFAR Blueprint:

(On a personal note (MOJO Michele) Over a 15 year period I have watched 5 family members battle HIV into AIDS to death.

1. Have FAITH in science we can NOT pray away the gay.

There is sexual revolution of sorts among young people of all color but mothers of young black males believe men who have sex with men have a perverse spirit leading them to anger, frustration into an obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.

Obama said go back to basics: prevention, treatment and focusing our efforts where the need is greatest. And we laid out a vision where every American, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or socioeconomic status, can get access to life-extending care.

I am the voice of change for I have We (the women) all knew but it was only discussed early in morning between Grandma and me. I remember Black women have taken the burden of this disease ALL ALONE and we have let them. Awe compassion FUELED by anger has lead me to relentlessly take my life experiences as a white woman lead and loved by black women to be the voice of change. T