These intervention programs are defined by the location and nature of the prevention activities. They involve the participation of peer and non-peer activity leaders. Outreach interventions take place in the community environment and target people who otherwise may not receive HIV prevention messages. Conducting community outreach interventions involves taking prevention activities to neighborhoods, streets, bars, or any other place where the target community gets together. The outreach itself does not have to be a standard form of intervention, but a variety of interventions that share a set of techniques and characteristics. Community outreach does not impose a formal structure of activities on the target population because it occurs in the client's own terms. It is based on the face-to-face contact between the outreach worker and the community members. Some outreach interventions provide information, some provide counseling, and some provide both.



Offer access and training surround multi-organizational collaborative effort to coordinate, implement and promote on the ground HIV mobilization activities to enhance AIDSFREEGEN social marketing campaign.


We want to fill our streets with Love. We don’t want to be afraid to be on our streets. It doesn’t matter who we are, where we come from. and where we are going, we should all be treated with love. We should treat others with Love. We are one big #GOMOJO with Big Love.

Individual and Group Instruction—influences, counsels, and provides skills to support healthy behaviors

GOMOJO uses Volunteer Programs

Civil Engagement

Homeless Outreach

Sex Worker Advocacy

National Awareness

    1. Education: To distribute information about HIV/AIDS locally.
    2. Testing: Establish February 7 as an annual day to get an HIV test.
    3. Involvement: Increase the number of Blacks involved locally.
    4. Treatment: For those newly testing HIV-positive and those coming to terms with their status, get them aware of treatment services and information.

National Condom Week

days as a tool to help educate young adults about serious risks involved with unprotected sex.

This includes the risk of catching and spreading HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases as well as helping to prevent unwanted pregnancy

The #DTLV Human Experience

Community Testing Events


Encourage testing at fraternities, sororities, and the dorms

Encourage testing with one’s partner

Expanding testing and outreach in the jails and in collaboration with probation and parole services

Give incentives for testing (discounted admission to shows, free drinks, vouchers for STD screening and/or birth control)

Increase street-based HIV testing to reach sex workers and their partners

Offer more oral testing options to increase the number of people who are willing to test

Offer more rapid testing to increase the number of people who receive their test results

Offer testing at special events and/or host new community events for targeted populations at risk (i.e., block parties, Cinco de Mayo, and community barbecues)

Offer testing in more “mainstream” locations (farmers markets, grocery stores, schools)

Test where straight-identifying people hang out (e.g., “straight” bars, clubs, and concerts) to reach MSM who are not “out” and high-risk heterosexuals


Condom Distribution

Mobilize condom subsidized commodities to poor and vulnerable populations frequently not reached by private sector supply chains.

Distribute free public sector male and female condoms primarily to populations lacking disposable income and/or those at elevated risk of HIV transmission or acquisition.

• Conduct community-wide mobilization that one statewide CD program led to saving millions of dollars in future medical care costs efforts to support and encourage condom use. by preventing HIV infections.

#GOMOJO Street of Love, The VMowerment and other condom distribution teams combined with The MOJO LIFESAVER CONDOM HOLDER is our community’s single most powerful and enduring feet-on-the-street response to the AIDS pandemic, and we hope you can be a part of that response. We thank you in advance for being as generous as you can and for joining us in this important cause.

It’s a quick and easy way to help in the fight against AIDS, not only on Feb 7th but EVERYDAY of the year. Please help us in acknowledging that the fight is not over.

Install condom machines at bars, clubs, and gyms

GOMOJO Vengo is our first plan of investment to get vending machines installed

Widely distribute condoms in both gay and non-gay establishments, including mainstream

Barber Shops

Bus Stops

Causal Pathways

College Campus

Community Dinners




High Schools

Large Corporations


Movie Theaters

Music Festivals

Non-Gay Bars


Speaker Series

The Mall

Boys & Girls Club


5 Skateparks

12 Night Clubs

Actively hand out condoms in places of high-risk activity

Advertise and provide a wider variety of condoms (range of flavors, colors, sizes)

Advertise locations of free/reduced-cost condoms

Couple condom distribution with campaigns that promote condom use as sexy and desirable

Distribute condoms at locations frequented by youth such as skate parks, schools, Boys & Girls Club

Have nightclub hand out condoms as people enter the establishment

Widely distribute condoms

We are dedicated to the streets and have made it our mission to be out in the STREET OF LOVE

Choose your design and choose you condom choice options are in the implementation strategy

We are developing partnerships to support all over town

GOMOJO Lifesavers are a unique, stylish and practical way to safely store, and easily access condoms any

GOMOJO has a developed relationships with all aspects of the community, we are mothers, sisters, brothers and friends to the Las Vegas youth community

NO problem here