High Impact Community Based Strategy

Post date: Apr 5, 2015 2:02:04 AM

GOMOJO is in the business of saving lives, for profits. We have shifted our globally scaled business model to our hometown community of Las Vegas, in particular downtown Las Vegas. In 2012, all focus was redirected to ensure a win win for all those in or wanting on our "Startup" Community of like minded people on one mission, making Downtown Las Vegas the greatest place in the world to live, work, learn and play. I already feel that way but for most we have a lot of work to do.

In 2011, I took two calls to action from the President of the United States of America, very seriously and spent the past two plus years tying the pieces (millions or parts and pieces) together. The president of the United States announced in July that new infections of HIV/AIDS are rising at a PANDEMIC rate of infection among young Black and Latin people and when one person in America is infected every 9.5 minutes, that affects all of us. And the 2nd call to action was to all entrepreneurs thanking us for all our hard work but whatever we are doing we need to do to something different. He asked us to fire up the manufacturing equipment and make something, he asked us to solve a problem with it and preferably a worldwide problem and he said do it for profits. I am confident that we have done just that, with the tools and resources we have right here in Downtown Las Vegas, many of them created out of , www.gjnv.org and www.thecenterlv.com combined with www.themojobags.com.

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