Downtown Las Vegas Together #DTLV

o Empower: Encourage and empower policy makers, planners, health providers, civil society and influential individuals to lead, own and be good stewards of their own health response, use condom sense

o Align: Over the many years we have worked through and will continue to strive to improve public and private sectors, civil society, and academia and align with data-driven priorities, good times and great memories.

o Strengthen: Strengthen the Downtown Las Vegas economy by partnering with the investments made to enhance the effectiveness and efficiencies of national and local key health education systems and policies: health and education management information systems, human resources for health, financial and accountability systems infrastructure, supply chain management, and service delivery.

o Contextualize: Bringing Awareness and support for Downtown Las Vegas Revitalization and Projects expanding new developments and opportunities to build on the strengths and opportunities while addressing the weaknesses and threats.

o Partner: Recognize and treat the bi-lateral relationship as a mutual

partnership based on trust and respect. We have established clear guidelines and expectations for the various partners at all levels as well as consequences for breeches.. (This is hard part so for now we are doing all possible to fill in the gaps)

o Coordinate: United States Federal government, major stakeholders, investors, donors and and work in close collaboration and coordination with street level

o Measure: Assess the level of community ownership, develop a roadmap and track the progress over time in increasing a country-owned and -led health response with clear indicators and benchmarks.

o Model Change: Demonstrate and exhibit a new way of working, encouraging all Downtown Las Vegas community members to be part of the solution and in the driver’s seat.

Expanding Access to HIV/AIDS Treatment, Care, and Prevention
