The Fourth Grade Conference

The Fourth Grade Conference

By Julie Berg

Everyone has had a teacher that sticks out, whether it was for a good or bad reason, you learned from it. I personally had an experience with my fourth grade teacher; she was able to affect me in ways I didn’t come to realize until I got older. I believe as you grow and learn you realize a lot of why you are the way you are. Even from the simplest of moments, it can and will affect you.

When I was in fourth grade, I had one of the best teachers of all time. Although I was only 8, nearing 9 years old, we connected in a different way that I had never experienced before. Her name was Mrs. Oosterbaan, and I was able to fully be myself around her. I never felt as though I needed to act a certain way, or hold back any of my feelings. She always had a special way of being able to understand me. There were countless times that we would joke with each other throughout class, and it was always brightening to my day. Throughout that school year everyday when school ended, I hugged her right before I left and wished her a good day. As a kid and even now I love to hug, it is such a big part of me. During our parent conference, it was my first year joining along with my dad, she began to tear up saying how that made her day no matter what bad events took place that day. I began to tear up and get emotional; even though I was just a kid I had such a big impact on her. Even if it was the smallest thing that I did, I learned so much about the importance of being kind and thoughtful, and what kind of impact that has on someone

From a moment that seems so simple, I learned how affection and positivity affects others. Everyone I see I always make it a goal to hug them as I enter and the minute I leave. I also do my best to check on how they are. Ever since this experience I do my best to analyze people as much as I can so I can acknowledge and understand their feelings. So many are going through things you don't even know about. So many lessons can come from the smallest moments that impact who you become. No matter your age or intention, the smallest thing can be the biggest thing to someone else. Even if it's just a hug.