Walking into the Magical World

Walking into the Magical World

Hamna Khan

This is the moon I was born under

The pillow of my hilarious dreams

The feel of being a weirdo detective

“Oh! Yes, you’re wondering right”

“I’m the detective like lemonade”

A sour taste of juicy life

A cold breeze in my ear

Giving me chilly goosebumps

While a monkey who is signing hilarious song

“You’re guessing wrong!”

“I’m not a hilarious joker yet”

But I’ll be the hilarious pirate monkey

Cause this is the moon I was born under

With many blue and pink betta fishes

Around many colorful lotus flowers

Which are stinking too badly


Under the couch I lost my brain

Still finding and finding

And wondering if I would be able to find my precious treasure

“Oh! Hurray! Finally I find it”

“But wait a minute!”

Why is it so wet?

And the unbreakable glass around the couch

“Is the glass full or half empty?”

“What is in the glass?”


Oh! my brain is in the glass

And it is fully wet

My brain is really clumsy as like

My best friend

I, the weirdo detective has turned into a fairy of Creative Science

I will feed your dreams with cats and mice

And you’ll be the night owl

Watching the cat and mouse fight

Enjoying the windy clouds

While flying into the gravity of air

With your large wings

from world’s noise

And the little kids would be hopefully looking at you

and would say

“One day! I’ll also fly like this night owl with my large wings gathering around the whole sky.”

Each of us wants to fly like ducks

And we’ll be flying one day

Filling our empty dreams into reality

Without crushing others’ daydreams