Between Us

Between Us

Mackenzie Wiese

Most people can pick out one moment in their life when they feel that everything changed for them. For me, it was almost two years ago when my best friend, Sarah, passed away from leukemia. Although this was the hardest thing I’ve gone through, it also made me realize who I am as a person, as well as who I can grow into.

The night I got the call saying that she had passed away, I felt as if my whole world was falling apart. The girl that would always smile, tell jokes, and brighten anyone’s day, was gone. This made me realize that I had to make everyday count and live every day as if it were my last. From that day on I started to step out of my comfort zone and take more risks. You never know what day will be your last, so why live every day in fear wondering when your time will come when you can go out and make each day count?

Over these two years, I’ve been able to step out of my comfort zone. I’ve tried new foods, met new people, traveled to new places, and overall tried my best to experience my life to the fullest. Before Sarah passed away, she was always the one that was outgoing, and she would drag me along with her. Now I have taken that place, and I’ve been able to step out and become the outgoing girl. By taking more risks I’ve been able to challenge myself further and open myself up to more opportunities.

My family and friends have always meant the world to me. When Sarah passed away, my love towards them became even stronger than it was before. I have always been a very caring person toward everyone in my life, and when you lose someone you care about that much, everyone else becomes a little more important. In the last month of Sarah’s life, she was in the hospital and visitors were very limited because she did not want anyone to see her while she was sick and weak. I am regretting now, more than ever, not visiting her more in her final weeks. We did not know that she would pass so fast, but when I got that call I regretted not spending those last moments with her. This has made me cherish the moments I had with her. Every memory made, laugh shared, and long talk that we’ve had will now be my most treasured moments to remember. You never know when the last time you’ll see someone is, and therefore I have made sure to take the time to spend as many moments I can with my family and friends before it is too late. Instead of being on my phone and living life through technology, I more wisely spend the time I have with the people I love, and I appreciate the moments while they last.

Most of my life, I was very closed off and did not open up to people very easily. In the past two years this has changed a lot. I learned that I should not keep my emotions to myself and should trust in those who I am close to. Losing Sarah created many emotions for me, sadness, anger, grief, and other emotions I can’t even put into words. Going through this alone was not an option, as, luckily for me, I am blessed to have friends that have been able to relate and help me overcome this loss. Not only have they helped me, but I was able to help them too. We can always trust in each other, and everything is judgement free. Whatever we say is always kept between us. I’d consider myself a good friend; I am a great listener and give okay advice most of the time.

Although losing my best friend was one of the worst moments in my life, I feel like, after going through this rough time, I was able to improve on these good qualities and make myself a better person. By taking risks, caring more for those around me, and putting more trust into myself and others, I think that Sarah’s passing had a lifelong impact on my life and those around me.