Sunshine Away

Sunshine Away

Cathlene Tomas

Y’all guys know this song?

I remember it’s something like...

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

Sunshine, Sunrise, Sunflower, Yellow, Happy

Y’all know what’s wrong with these things?

They’re temporary. They fade.

Sunshine turns into moonlight!

Sunrise always ends with sunset

A sunflower is nothing compared to a rose

Yellow can be black

Happy….can be sad

What’s the point of dwelling in Happiness if you know there’s always a consequence smiling?

What’s the point of saying good morning to someone who’s ready to say goodbye?

What’s the point of loving if in the end, you need to let it go?

This is not a love story where two different people find themselves in the middle of the night, holding hands, raining… that’s way too corny

This is not a love story where two people find themselves looking at the moon at night

This is not a love story where two people find themselves in the steamy shower, inhaling vapors, whispering love spells as if it’s magic without a trick,

This is not the love story I imagined writing for you.

Sunshine, Sunrise, Sunflower, Yellow, Happy,

They’re all love stories.

But you are a love poem

A love poem I secretly write

A love poem I pour my tears into every single night

A love poem I love

Because you know, love stories have their endings

Love poems are only abandoned but never finished

But I’ve been telling y’all, this ain’t a love story

This is a love poem that I’m not going to abandon

And the next time I see you, I’ll write you a poem

You know, something like:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away.