

by Anthony Kindness


A pure wonder and amusement that provides a drive for life

It is the most basic human instinct that gifts us with meaning

It gives us depth and power to control our purpose

It gives us a unwavering commitment to our purpose

It does not need reassurance or reason as it thrives wherever whenever

It is the fuel of life

It is a gift for which humanity has been gifted


The most underestimated ability of humanity is humility

For it is the antidote of shame which pride is the source of

One most must be truly humble to accept any wisdom that others have to offer

Humility resides in the good pure hearts of humanity

It births compassion and love

It is the spark of life

It is a gift for which humanity has been gifted


Above all else humans possess the ability to be creative

An ability that allows us to pursue are deepest desires no matter how justified they are

A luxury that all possess and contribute to regardless of are differences.

A wonderful source of beauty worthy of admiration

This gift to create seemingly meaningless nonsense from the most arbitrary things allows us to provide insight into are life’s great mysteries

It is the flame of life

It is a gift for which humanity has been gifted.