Inspiration Symphony

Inspiration Symphony

Bella Birdwell

I have inspiration in my pocket, where no one else can see.

I know it’s there.

Inspiration is the sound of a light bell’s whisper.

Inspiration comes and goes, I forget it’s there sometimes.

I won’t hear its ringing.

When the bells of inspiration don’t ring anymore,

When all is quiet, the silence-deafening

Symphony is replaced with quiet whispers.

The ringing in my pocket soon jingles as if it were a symphony.

Everyone hearing its jingling jells, maybe they hear the sound of a piano, or they hear inspiration as the sound of a car.

I still hear its bells.

It travels from my pocket to my sleeve. Dancing along my arm till Inspiration rests on my shoulder.

Then its jingle reaches my ears.

Inspiration in the sound around us all.

It dances while we walk. It’s sharing its sounds with us.

There’s inspiration in my pocket,

and it sounds like a bell.