Growing Up Female

Growing Up Female

by Claudia Panico

Growing up female you learn about the word misogyny maybe a little too quickly. For those who are not familiar with the word misogyny the exact definition is “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.” You see, growing up I was not allowed to wear nail polish because my sexist father told me it would, in fact, get me raped. To men, this statement may seem like a father protecting his beloved daughter. However, to me this planted the seed that if I get raped, it will be my fault because I was the one wearing nail polish. As women, we are presented with this conflict constantly. The first question that is asked of us is “well, what were you wearing?” It is always my fault, because systematically we have raised boys with the mentality “boys will be boys.” As little girls, we are taught that if a boy is picking on you, it means he likes you and we should be flattered. This same thinking goes beyond a little boy and a little girl on the elementary school playground. I am catcalled, sexually harassed, and scared out of my mind to be alone in the dark because I am a female in today’s society. When I am catcalled and sexually harassed I am expected to abide because society has normalized men treating women like objects. Boys will be boys, yet I am facing all the repercussions.

Leaving my workplace at night I have to check under my car, check the back seat, lock the doors immediately. The sad thing is men most likely don’t understand why, but the sadder thing is women know exactly the routine I’m talking about. Being a female in today’s society I am taxed on tampons and pads. The government makes money off of my uncontrollable bleeding as if having a tampon is a luxury item. Not to mention I make 82 cents to every dollar a man makes, and the government still expects me to be able to afford that tax on tampons. I am beyond frustrated. I am sick and tired of teaching girls that boys will be boys and it is our responsibility for their actions. Don’t teach me how to be modest so I don’t get raped. Don’t teach me to abide to be safe. Teach men to be respectful.