

Ashanti Jones

Your round face, wide eyes, full bright smile

“More gums than teeth” of course you always say

“The more I age the less teeth I have” the little strands of grey

Hair not from being old but because of the stress

Feet swollen legs swollen because of a sickness that has the score

3-0 and you are not winning but you are fighting for that point

No matter what head still on your shoulders

You are the glue keeping the family together the stories you tell

Teach us to never give up, sometimes you can give in

But never feel like you need anyone

Let the people want you we use your wisdom to our advantage

Now you are gone we feel at a disadvantage

Your house is the meeting grounds of our family deep breath in

… you smell deviled eggs, steak and rice, dressing, mashed potatoes and meatloaf

Oh we love your meatloaf not ketchup not barbeque sauce

But tomato sauce and a secret ingredient your meatloaf fed

Many mouths kin to you and not kin to you

Blood or not we always nice and never rude to anyone not even the devil himself

What you taught us is don't be everyone's friend but no one's enemy”

Your wisdom guides us like a stream that slowly guides the deep depths of the water Into the world spread blue water known as the ocean

Your words we take in like medication to our sickness that just won't fade away

You live like an ocean full of creatures waiting to be discovered and we

Know they are there but never need to search for them

Your lessons made a soldier a lawyer a teacher you made us you shaped us

To be who we are and nothing could ever stop you

Not a period or any punctuation at all you are the unstoppable impossible to mess with You are my rock that I hide under if Iever feel low

You make my bad days turn into better days you make me feel a type

Of comfort like the one pillow in your bed you can't sleep without your round face, Wide eyes full

bright smile more teeth than gum of course the whole head of grey hair Not from stress but because

you went against the sickness and you lost face swollen Legs swollen everything swollen and the score

is now 4-0 it got the last point GAME OVER