Cup Running Over

Cup Running Over

By Eva Brooks

Teardrops roll slow

Across your cheeks

Searing hot

And falling fast

You don’t know what’s

Echo or scream

Whispers or illusions

Your voice or the others

Every nagging word

Scrapes along your heart

As you push against those nails

And find new footing

You’re on a ledge

There’s snow beneath you

it’ll cushion the fall

You’ll be crushed

The bitter cold

Freezes your snot

Freezes your tongue

Freezes your mind

You need to push through

Every broken promise

Every responsibility

You asked to shoulder it

Now you do

But you can’t

You slip

You’re free falling

The snow crunches

Your back aches

Your ankles freeze

Your tears pool

You cut your heart into pieces and spread them around for everyone to have

You don’t want them to give it back whole- you have the space to fill the cracks