Chapter 1

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The warm humidity of summer painted a layer of oil on the ladybugs’ shells. I spun my pen, daydreaming as I looked out of the window at the insects on the Chinese scholar tree[1].

Last night, my Ge had gone out with a few friends and I had tagged along. A waiter had spilled alcohol on my Ge’s suit which had been hooked on the coat rack outside the private dining room. He was scolded harshly by his supervisor and chased out. My Ge didn’t know about this.

When I came out of the toilet, he was still next to the sink crying.

My Ge’s clothes were indeed quite expensive, but their prices weren’t exactly sky high either. It was only a bit of alcohol, there was nothing to be scared of.

The more he cried, the sadder he got. His ears were so red, they looked boiled. He choked out through his sobs and said his monthly salary was only 1500 yuan[2], he didn’t know how many monthly salaries it would take before he could compensate for it.

I knew that with my Ge’s personality, there was no way he would seize a little waiter and refuse to let go of the matter. But he cried like a little rabbit, his fair cheeks trembling. I couldn’t help but want to scare him. I said, Not even a year’s worth of your salary can compensate for it. If my Ge made you chop off a finger as compensation it would already be considered light.

He seemed to have heard something in my words. He encircled my waist and sobbed as he begged, begged for me to let him plead mercy. He tried to get closer to me and brushed my chin with his lips, ultimately kissing my lips.

I asked him for his name. He said Shi Chen.

Sure, of course I can tell my Ge that I was the one who spilt alcohol on his clothes.

I dragged him into the toilet cubicle and massaged his ass, asking him how many times his ass had been fucked.

Shi Chen was like a trembling rabbit. He hummed and hawed as he explained that he had never been fucked before, but it would have happened sooner or later so every night before he went to work he would douche his rectum.

No wonder he was so provocative.

I put my hand in to check, it was very soft and clean. But I still wore a condom; my Ge taught me from long ago that I had to. Although afterwards he never taught me how to fuck men, with my talent, I could teach myself.

I wouldn't believe it myself either: this was my first time. I had only imagined it many times in my head. However, I was used to appearing like I was very skilled, as calm as any action of my Ge's.

I dug around in his hole for a while. It was very hot and wet inside. I thought all men's buttocks were like that and eagerly inserted my erection.

Shi Chen let out a low whine. He used his arms to support himself against the cubicle door as he separated his legs, sticking out his ass towards me. His two hands separated his cheeks and exposed a pink hole filled by my cock, letting me go in even deeper.

He sucked me in so tightly it hurt like it was going to break, yet it was quite pleasurable at the same time. I stepped on the pants he had dropped on the floor and thrusted in fiercely, pounding into him over and over again.

At the start, his moans still sounded a bit fake. This kind of moaning irritated me. But later on, he was covering his mouth, painfully yet lasciviously shedding tears in silence, and he started crying out hoarsely, Hubby is too big.

I was uncontrollably stimulated by this and ejaculated.

He slowly moved his ass off my cock and knelt down to remove the condom with his mouth and lap at my cock. His mouth was soft and hot; it felt too good. My whole body went limp from pleasure and I couldn’t help but wickedly thrust into his throat.

He obediently swallowed my entire dick until I ejaculated again into his mouth.

As payment for his prostitution service, when my Ge came out I told him I was the one who had spilt alcohol on his suit.

My Ge’s slow but sharp gaze swept over me, who was still in a post-climax trance, and landed on Shi Chen’s face. Shi Chen was so frightened he lowered his head. His supervisor who was smiling along also looked nervous.

My Ge said ‘mn’ in acknowledgement and brought me out.

Shi Chen, his supervisor and I let out a sigh of relief.

On the way home, I drove while my Ge sat in the front passenger seat. He rested his arm next to the car window and supported his head with his hand, using the night’s breeze outside the car to sober up. Then he started playing with my earlobe. My legs still felt a bit like jelly. Wasting my first time on a little male prostitute just didn’t seem dignified enough.

His voice was low, and he languidly dragged out the end of his question.

“Did you wear a condom?”

I jolted. I felt as nervous as a male adulterer who had gotten caught in an affair.

But then I thought about it again and realised the person I fucked wasn’t my sister-in-law anyway, so I hadn’t let down my Ge in any way.

“I did.” I maintained a falsely calm facade.

My Ge laughed until his shoulders shook. My throat felt a bit dry.

“How did it feel.”

“...It was okay.”

“That little male prostitute, at one glance anyone can tell he’s not a virgin. Don’t get played, you dumb kid.” He cleared his throat and warned me, “You can only do that this one time, do you hear me.”

I swatted his hand away, unable to control my expression.

I asked my Ge who he had had his first time with. He pillowed his head with his hand and thought about it for a while. He said when he was in his second year of university, he had done it with a younger student. That junior was especially obedient when fucked, except he would always chase him and call him Ge. He couldn’t stand that, so he broke it off.

I cast a glance at him and asked, you don’t like to be chased and called Ge?

My Ge was a bit tired now. Against the breeze, he started dozing off while unhurriedly murmuring, I do like it, it just depends on who's the one doing it.


[1] - Chinese scholar tree, also known as the Japanese pagoda tree[2] - 1500 yuan: Roughly US$230.


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