Extra 2

Extra 2: A brief Xiao Yan's birthday extra

Today, the two of us went back to our old house to take a few things. Our old house hadn’t been sold yet; we were planning to rent it out when schools reopened. It was too late at night already so we didn’t go back, making do with sleeping here for a night.

My Ge said he would order a cake for me. I didn’t like cake, so I didn’t let him order. In the evening, we strolled along the small street near my old school where a lot of snacks were sold. We ate as we walked. After swallowing down grilled cold noodles, squid teppanyaki, takoyaki, and quail eggs with peppercorn sauce, we were full.

I ate until I was perspiring all over. I unwound the scarf around my neck and wrapped one end around my Ge’s neck, holding a cup of milk tea as I did this romantic thing with him for a while.

I didn’t know which big idiot had come up with this kind of romantic act. For the two of us who were practically the same height, when we crossed the road, we looked like two frozen pear tanghulu. If it were a couple who had a cute height difference, when they walked, it would be like walking a dog, fuck.

My Ge asked me what I wanted for a birthday present. I was already so old and he was still asking about birthday presents, jeez.

“I want a longer scarf. I don’t want it bought, Ge, knit me one.”

My Ge raised an eyebrow. He purposely stopped walking and the scarf nearly choked me to death.

We had already walked around outside for half a day. The number of people on the streets had decreased. I detoured to an area with poor lighting and secretly held his hand, our fingers interlocked.

My Ge silently gripped my hand tight. Taking advantage of the temporary darkness after we had walked past a street lamp, I swiftly pecked him on the lips and tried to see how his ears gradually turned red while he stayed composed.

A car was driving up towards us. The car plate number was a bit familiar. It was probably one of my Ge’s old colleagues. I hurriedly loosened my hand holding his; it would be awkward if his ex-colleague saw it.

My Ge didn’t let go; instead, he held me even more tightly, walking past that car as if nothing had happened.

Duan Rui was really amusing.

I draped an arm over his shoulders, slowly walking with him. I moved closer to him and asked, “It’s my birthday today, you should be able to let me fuck you, right?

My Ge squinted, “Sure.”

Holy fuck, he had actually agreed. I hadn’t even been expecting anything.

Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck, my loved concubine, wait for this emperor to go downstairs and buy a pack of condoms.

I only saw my Ge leisurely take a sip of the milk tea in my hands, appearing to be in a good mood.

Ummmm, even though he had agreed, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was about to meet with bad luck.

It was probably an illusion, mn.

The translator has something to say:

The translation will be ending here, though I will still be making small edits to the grammar. Ruiyan 99!

EDIT: I found a few more extras that were posted on You Sa's weibo. They weren't added to the main story on FWW (site where CBLB was published), so I have uploaded them through Google Docs (see below).

The story here may have ended, but the audio drama adaptation is scheduled for release in April 2022. I will update via Twitter (@chentranslates) and the Telegram channel (https://t.me/joinchat/QUHCyTJrAA9hMDM1). Here is the playlist where the subtitled episodes will be posted: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLowmrIcX4xuy5Ky316bJcKsnF31GRUwsW

As of 3 Feb 2022, the trailer and the opening song with voiced content have been subtitled and added to the playlist above.

Additional extras (gdocs):

100+ questions with Ruiyan

A brief New Year's extra

A brief sad AU extra

A brief sweet AU extra