Photo Stitching

Want to turn multiple photos into one larger one? Look no further! First, open photoshop and start a new document. You may choose to open your images, each in a separate tabs, but if you have a lot of images, you may want to select them later. Then go to File>Automate> Photomerge. Leave the setting on auto, then make sure Blend Images Together is checked. Click on Add Open Files if you opened each image in a tab, or Browse to select photos from your computer. Select OK and Photoshop will arrange your images. This can take some time depending on the number and size of your photos. From here, you can crop out any undesired or uneven edge sections, and use the Patch or Spot Healing tool to fix any seams that may be apparent.

This short video demonstrates how to use the Photomerge tool in Photoshop