
HieroPlayer is an artist desktop review tool that lets you playback shots or a sequence and compare versions of renders quickly, letting you easily see your work in the context of the VFX timeline.



HieroPlayer is an artist desktop review tool that lets you playback shots or a sequence and compare versions of renders quickly, letting you easily see your work in the context of the VFX timeline. HieroPlayer offers seamless integration with the rest of the Nuke family for faster, more efficient teamwork, supported by its robust Python API. Generate and share Nuke scripts, efficiently review annotations, and compare and manage versions with ease. In addition to integration with Nuke, HieroPlayer can be connected to your shot manager of choice and workflows extended using the Python API, allowing you to quickly generate timelines on the fly, build dailies playlists and more, so you can tackle complex productions efficiently and at scale, thanks to HieroPlayer’s ability to automatically connect your shots for review across editorial, compositing and VFX. For more information on HieroPlayer, see the official website, or browse tutorials on Youtube.

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