EVO for recording and playback

EVO Audio interface

Each Multimedia Workroom in the Duderstadt Center is equipped with the EVO 16 audio interface. This device is where you will control the sound in the room. 

Becasue the Multimedia Workrooms are accoustically treated rooms, they are a great place for simple audio recordings. Even without Multimedia Workroom 1, which houses our Rodecaster Pro II podcasting station, this unit has class A preamps and allows you to connect 2 of your OWN mics to the computers and capture high quality audio. 

Getting started with the EVO in the 

Multimedia Workrooms

This video guide will help to get you up and running with the EVO, in our Multimedia Workrooms. We cover speaker and headhone output, hardware and software interface, as well as the auto-leveling options for using microphones with this unit. We do not provide mics for the Multimedia Workrooms (MMW1 does contain our Rodecaster pro setup, which includes microphones).