
MODO offers artists a powerful 3D platform for modeling, rendering, texturing, and animating. MODO is popular amongst pre-visualization artists and in feature film art departments due to its efficient and intuitive modeling and rendering features.


MODO offers artists a powerful 3D platform for modeling, rendering, texturing, and animating. MODO is popular amongst pre-visualization artists and in feature film art departments due to its efficient and intuitive modeling and rendering features. These include a booleans system, expansive direct and procedural modeling capabilities, highly functional UV mapping tools, rigging and animation tools like posing and mo-cap integration, and effects tools including particles, hair and fur. Modo has high levels of capability, and can be used from small to large scale projects, with much to learn and utilize. Before getting started we recommend users take advantage of the learning resources on LinkedIn Learning and Mendeley's website.

Modo 2019 LinkedIn Learning Essential Training:

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