3DP-TIPS Faculty Portal

What is 3DP-TIPS: 3D Printing Training & Instructional Printing Support?

Despite the fact that 3D printers have become ubiquitous, it may prove difficult to find 3D printing resources that match the needs of your class.  If so, the Fabrication Underground's 3DP-TIPS service might be the right choice for you. It differs from traditional 3D printing services in the following ways:

Why Choose the Fabrication Underground?

We have worked hard to make our 3DP-TIPS service as affordable, easy to use, and transparent as possible. Your students will have access to well maintain equipment as well as trained staff to assist them.  Available 3DP-TIPS printers include:   

We also offer in person workshops as well as access to other resources such as a laser cutter, electronics workbenches, and a woodshop.

How Does it Work?

Faculty approval is required to use the 3DP-TIPS service as it is funded via a cost recovery model. 

When you register your class, you will receive an access code and a link to the 3DP-TIPS Dashboard; your portal to view your registered classes, view remaining hours, add additional time, and view 3D printer utilization.

You can register additional courses and have the option to use different shortcodes for each. Print time is added in 12 hour blocks on the machines of your choice with the total cost dynamically updated. After confirming your order you and your administrative contact will receive an invoice as well as instructions that you will share with your students.

Prusa MK 4 Student Access

Equipment at the Fabrication Underground, to include the Prusa MK 4, is reserved in 3 hour blocks: 9:oo to 12:oo, 12:oo to 3:oo, 3:oo to 6:oo, and 6:oo to 9:oo. To sign up for time on the Prusa MK 4, students will need an access code and the appropriate certification. To use the Prusa MK 4, the student simply selects the date and times that work for them.  

The 3D printer hours you reserved for your class will be deducted by the number of hours a student reserved on the 3D Printing Sign-up Sheet. Students may cancel up to 3 hours prior to their appointment restoring the time that was deducted. 

If there isn't enough 3D print time reserved to cover the student request it will be rejected. If a student doesn't reserve adequate time to complete their 3D print the or the print job exceeds the 9:00pm deadline the print will be canceled.

Form 3 Auto and BigRep Job Submissions

If you decide to reserve print time on the Form 3 Auto and/or BigRep 3D printers, students may submit jobs for review, approval, and print. The advantage students gain from this service is that they have more opportunities for iterative design as print time is simply deducted from the bank of time that you reserved for them; no invoices or shortcodes for them to worry about. 

Students will need an access code with enough print time remaining to complete their job, and the appropriate certification to use the 3D printing resource as we are trusting them with many decisions that they make to set up a successful 3D print. 3D print setup that are deemed too risky will be rejected and charged against your reservation. Therefore, we encourage students to ask questions and participate as much as possible. 

How Do I Get Started?

To get started, you will need to create an account with us by completing the 3DP-TIPS Registration form. This will register your course and provide shortcode details.  

Within a few minutes, You will receive a confirmation email with your access code and a link to the 3DP-TIPS Dashboard which is use to view your courses, add additional courses, add more time, and view utilization of the 3D printing resources you have reserved. 

Getting started is easy:

We are here to help

If you have questions please stop by the Fabrication Underground or email dc-fabrication@umich.edu.