Basic Electronics

Electronics in DL1

Tools and Equipment

Basic Electronics Workbench

Designed for beginners, this bench has the basic tools and components you'll need in order to include simple electronics in your prototypes. While DL1 is solder free by order of the Fire Marshall, we have a good stock of breadboards, wire,  resistors, and other electronics.  Bring your own wireless devices, motors, etc.   Or, check out one of our Electronics Project Kits from Groundworks


Multimeter | Oscilloscope | Function Generator | Bench Power Supply | Magnifying Lamp | Wire strippers/cutters | Precision Screwdriver Set


Wire | Breadboard | IR Receivers | Passive IR sensors| Buzzers | Motors | 3-Axis Accelerometer/Gyros | Relays | Temperature Sensors | Heartbeat sensors | Photoresistors | Hall Magnetic Sensors | Flame Sensors | Touch Sensors | Rotary Encoders | Ultrasonic Sensors

See Learning Links for resources on using sensors/microcontrollers in your projects


The electronics resources are available for use in Design Lab 1 during open hours.  

Learning Links

Learn How to Use the Electronics Workbench

Guide to using the DL1 Electronics Project Kit (coming soon)

Guide to using the DL1 LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus testing station

Additional Learning Material


External: What is an Arduino?

External: How to Use a Breadboard

External: Working with Wire

External: Basic Character LCD Hookup Guide

External: Servo Tutorial

External: Motors and Selecting the Right One


External: Getting Started with LilyPad

External: LilyPad Basics: E-Sewing

External: Powering LilyPad LED Projects

Sparkfun also has a variety of tutorials/learning resources to help you learn how to use many types of sensors with Arduino