
Zoom is a free video conferencing application, allowing people from different locations to chat, talk, share screens, and interact with presentations. The free version allows 40 minute sessions for up to 100 participants, while the paid version is unlimited.



Zoom is a free video conferencing application, allowing people from different locations to chat, talk, share screens, and interact with presentations. The free version allows 40 minute sessions for up to 100 participants, while the paid version is unlimited. Users can record meetings, adjust camera views, ask participants to raise hands or answer poll questions, apply filters or virtual backgrounds, break into smaller groups with breakout rooms, schedule meetings, remotely control participant devices, share files, dial in with mobile and more. You can get started learning how to use zoom and its many features with the essentials training course on LinkedIn Learning.

Zoom as a Podcasting Resource:

Did you know Zoom can record individual audio tracks for each participant?

That's it! The next time you record a Zoom meeting to the cloud, each participant will be downloaded as a separate track. They will all be in sync with one another to make for easier editing in any audio editing app.

Zoom Essential Training:


Similar apps:


Google Duo

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