Wacom Intous

Getting started with the Wacom Intous Pro tablet

WACOM Intous Pro

Each Multimedia Workroom has a Wacom Intous Pro (medium) included within the room. Wacom's tools are industry standard tools for graphic design and digital illustration. The Intous Pro uses the same stylus as the Wacom Cintiq, which provides 8192 points of pressure for as "analog" an experience you can get with a digital tool. 

Not only is the Intous pro great for illustration with a stylus, but it is also a touch enabled track pad. Allowing for fast navigation around the desktop. 


The Intous should be powered on when entering the room. If it is off, the power switch is located on the side with the programmable buttons.

Disabling the track pad

By default the track pad function should be enabled upon entering hte Multimedia Workrooms. However, you may want to disable this function when trying to use the stylus for digital art.

To turn off the touch sensitivity, toggle the switch on the side of the Intous.

Configuring the Intous

BOTH Wacom Center and System settings have tools to customize your experience with the Intous. Wacom Center offers calibration instructions, button customization, and links to the Wacom site for instructional content. System Settings is where you can customize the sensitivity of the controls (like mouse/trackpad speed). Be aware, if you customize the controls, they will be reset to the DMC basic settings as soon as the computer is restarted.

Wacom Center

For customizing your experience with the Intous. Setup your personal workflow with this tool.

System Settings

In System Settings, at the very bottom of the left hand menu bar, you can select "Wacom Tablet." This allows you to adjust the track speed, or click options for the track pad. 


The Wacom stylus is a precision illustration tool, with 8192 pressure points. When using tools like Photoshop or Illustrator, the stylus will function like a pen or brush. The buttons on the stylus also allow for easy mouse commands, so you do not have to drop the stylus when you need a mouse. The buttons at the base are for right/left clicking and the tip by default, is an eraser tool.