Conversion Rack

The media conversion rack allows you to convert your older analog video and audio tapes into a viewable digital file on a computer. 

The conversion rack also contains a DVD burner for quick tape to DVD conversion.

Supported formats (all formats NTSC only):

This real time capture converts the contents of the tape to a file on the computer that can be exported as an .MP4 video file.

Using the Conversion Rack

How to connect a deck to the capture computer

Groundworks conversion rack touch screen.mp4

Converting Media with Elgato Software

Conversion Rack elgato.mp4

Burning a DVD within the conversion rack

Making DVD in conversion Rack.mp4

Recording to cassette tape in the conversion rack

GW-CD to cassette tape.mp4

Ripping a DVD with Handbrake

Conversion questions:

What if I want to convert from something else? - If you have the player for it, we can wire it into the conversion rack via the auxiliary input

What if you don't support my media and I don't have a player? - There are paid media conversion services around Michigan, including in Ann Arbor, that can handle a wider variety of media types. Simply search online for "your media type" conversion "your location".

Do I need to be certified? - Nope! But we highly recommend coming in during staffed hours the first time for guidance on setting up and using the rack

Do I need an appointment? - No, but the conversion rack is a first-come, first-serve resource in an open lab, so please be respectful of anyone already using the rack. There are two sides available if more than one person would like to use it, but not every media player has a duplicate. Feel free to call (734)-647-5739 and check if the rack is currently available.

What formats does the conversion rack create? - The conversion rack's purpose is to digitize video files into an H.264 video format. Videos converted in the rack will be standard definition (NTSC, 640x480p 30fps). Audio can be saved as M4A, WAV, AIFF.

What if I want to convert to a VHS or cassette? - The rack is intended as a one way street from analog to digital. (The only exceptions are CD to cassette tape, or anything to DVD) 

What type of disk do I have? - Visit this link for a breakdown of disks and their specs

What if my tapes are dirty? - We have tape cleaners available during staffed hours for U-Matic (3/4") and VHS. It should be noted however that tapes degrade over time, and all tape based media in existence are past their end-of-life date. This means we cannot guarantee your tapes are in playable condition, as this is highly dependent on storage conditions.