
Prelude is a video logging and ingest tool designed for intuitive, efficient media organization and metadata entry. It allows for rapid tagging and transcoding video footage and quick creation of a rough cut. Prelude translates effortlessly into Adobe Premiere Pro, ensuring fluid communication and organization throughout the video production process.


Prelude is a video logging and ingest tool designed for intuitive, efficient media organization and metadata entry. It allows for rapid tagging and transcoding video footage and quick creation of a rough cut. Prelude translates effortlessly into Adobe Premiere Pro, ensuring fluid communication and organization throughout the video production process. With Adobe Prelude software, one can perform multiple functions at the same time and use the program to create video projects and edit a raw clip that includes large quantities of videos and media files. Adobe Prelude can also be used to create rough cuts and markers in the basic editing sequence, and these rough cuts and markers can also be exported to other video editing programs. Prelude is not meant to be a standalone application, but rather work with other software, and is most streamlined for Premiere Pro. Prelude should have a fairly easy learning curve for adobe users, but you may familiarize yourself with the software through the LinkedIn Learning training or Adobe's website for the best experience with the application.

LinkedIn Learning Prelude Training:

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