
day one (morning)

March 16th 10:43 AM

day two (night)

March 16th 7:04 PM


March 18th 5:10 PM

coffee run

March 20th 6:31 PM

morning dew

March 24th 11:16 AM

warm day

March 27th 11:48 AM


March 28th 5:13 PM

before work

March 30th 11:25 AM

Cold day

March 31st 8:54PM


April 4th 12:00 PM


April 6th 11:15 PM

get me off this car

April 9th 7:15 PM


April 15th 8:19 PM


April 18th 11:25PM

weathered but angelic

April 20th 10:30 PM

Artist statement:

For this project I attached a stuffed teddy bear to the front of my car to see how much it changed over a months time. I was not sure how well this would work for this project, but I thought it was worth a shot and would be a unique/ funny way to explore the passing of time. Though I feel the background of the pictures does not really change with the season, rather just the location, I think the range of conditions of the teddy bear really work for this project. While it might not have shown the passing of time in the sense of how seasons change, I think it showed how we change, how we start off as innocent as a stuffed bear, but through the rainy days, long drives, and sunny weather we change as people, jaded yet more mature from the things we see. I think this idea of maturity is really shown in the last picture, where he is no longer the bright eyed and bushy tailed teddy bear I put on my car, in this picture he looks like he has changed, his hair somehow looks longer and the light in his eyes seems dimmer but yet accepting of his conditions and the world around him.