
Circles and Squares

watercolor paper, watercolor, paint brush, Fine Point Pen, square stencil

9 x 12

Artist Statement:

For this project we had to take a series of circles and take a picture out of it. I had a few ideas at first, like making something look like it is behind the circles, but I did not think it would turn out good. I then thought about making the circles into faces, but I could not get a sketch that worked. The final Idea I had was to make a apple in each circle, and as you looked left to right the apple would be more and more eaten, but I thought that might be too hard for such a short amount of time, so I decided to make each circle look like a drop of water and use them to distort Stright lines. I thought about making a bunch of lines going down the paper, but thought that would be boring, so i did squares.

I used watercolor paper because it was what was given to us. I then sued watercolor to make the circles look like drops of water. I then decided to sue a fine point pen because I wanted high contrast black lines. I then made a stencil of a square out of Bristol paper and began making the distorted squares. The stencil made sure that all of the squares were the same size despite being distorted and helped me make sure they did not get to mishappen.

My process consisted of my thinking, then painting the circles, then drawing the squares. I would pick a random place, draw the outline of the square without going into the circles, then I would eyeball what the square could look like being distorted. I did this a few times until the page felt full but not crowded then I thickened all the square lines to make sure they stood out more than the outline of the circles.