
Untitled presentation

Artist statement: My Zine project, in my opinion, turned out good. At first i had no idea what to do so i stepped back and took a day to think about it. When i made it i was feeling pretty isolated and lonely, as i think most people are feeling right about now. At first i did not know what kind of coloring method i should use as well. I realized that i wanted it to look good and profesional, but also have some mistakes to keep the zine kind of vibe. I ended up using a pen and some markers, and they got the vibe i was going for.

I really like my cover. I think that the blue and red kind of 3D effect made it look pretty cool and the 3D kind of represents how i'm feeling in a way. I mean that because i am trying to look at things in a different way, and with 3D that is the hole point. The next page represents how i miss someone a lot and just want to spent time with them. I feel like the hands at the bottom make the page feel less bare but they do not make the most sense. I guess the hands would represent my worries and how this covid thing might lead to people not liking me or forgetting about me. Also the heart kind of leaking looks kind of cool and the arrow that is going through the heart even tho its broken. This made sense because even far away we are still together i guess. The next page is a burning building. The writing in circles has some meaning but was mostly for looks rather than actual content of the writing. The burning building is supposed to be how everything is falling part around us but we are trapped inside. I think the flames on this page look pretty cool and the building has a decent shape. Next is the page that says open and a slime like design. This slide is not really supposed to mean anything, but it's supposed to be more fun and upbeat. The other 2 pages are both sad but this one is fun and bright. It is supposed to be like the fu and good in all of this, but it's on the last page because it is hard to get to. The very last page is kind of random but it was supposed to be how i just kinda wanna go somewhere.

All and all i am happy with how it turned out I think that it looks pretty good but i would say that i am not a fan of the open page. The only reason is because the colors are to dense. I would have liked them to be lighter. I think that it represents how i feel and i am proud of it.